I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do 

Leonardo da Vinci

We work in local wards where there are above levels of average unemployment

The number of children on free school meals in these areas is increasing

Croydon has the highest population of 0-16 year olds in London. By engaging young people through activities at Croydon Children’s University we are confident we can go on to engage their families and improve life chances.

For our ROUTES programme:

Local employers tell us that many young people in the borough do not have the skills and aspirations they ask of their employees.

The CBI campaign – “Ambition for All in Schools” asks for “A new commitment from business and community organisations to support schools by providing role models, advice and experience”.

An Ofsted report – “Going in the Right Direction? Careers Guidance in Schools from September 2012 says “employer networks were not taking enough initiative in making links with schools”

About Us

The difference we make

How will we make this work?

Working with others who share our ambitions

Innovative ideas of our own

Why we are the organisation to do this work