Croydon Children’s University is working with a variety of Learning Providers to make being part of Children’s University even more fun!

 What is involved in becoming a CU validated Learning Destination?

Children’s University wants to ignite many sparks of inspiration and aspiration in children and would like as many places as possible to become CU Learning Destinations, in order to support our aim in raising ambition and providing access to innovative learning activities across the globe.

Children’s University works closely with all kinds of learning providers and activity leaders to offer children the widest variety of opportunities. In order to offer a consistent quality of activities we undertake a quality assurance process to validate these opportunities to confirm they meet certain standards.

This validation does not require the completion of an excessive amount of paperwork. It simply involves learning providers completing an online form and putting time aside to talk to one of our team about what is on offer for children and ensuring that our organisations are aligned in our commitment to children.

Anyone delivering or providing learning opportunities for children can submit their activities for validation using an online form. Our Children’s University manager will then review and approve submissions and contact the learning provider. On approval by the manager, they are given a stamp code that is unique to their activity.

These codes are then given to children by the provider on completion of an activity. Each stamp equates to approximately one hour of structured learning and is simple and memorable so it can be written by a child in their passport; it is a colour and a four-digit number (e.g. Red 2431).

Click here for more information

Once the validation procedure has been completed, children are eligible to collect hours of learning into their Passports to Learning.

Children’s University

How It Works

School Membership

CU Online for Schools

Information for Families and Students

CU Online for Families and Students

Privacy Statement

Information for Learning Providers

Activity Zone