Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Helen Keller

The HIVE works with a number of organisations who share our vision of realising potential.

The HIVE’S collaborative work with the Children’s University means that we are the best placed in Croydon to offer inspirational, “WOW” learning opportunities for the young people of the borough.  Our graduation ceremonies allow any child to stand taller and be proud of their achievements. We know that confidence gained outside of the classroom then impacts in a positive way both in school and in the wider community.

We ensure that the people we work with to deliver our activities, are from a range of professional backgrounds, including artists, musicians, actors, authors. By providing access to the very best individuals to deliver events children are inspired by.  

About Us

How we will make this work

Innovative ideas of our own

Why we know we are needed

Why we are the organisation to do this work